ÖSTM/ÖM Middle/3rd and 4th Austria Cup
(within the Chicken Challenge 2011)
Schneegattern; June 11/12, 2011
In pouring rain the first runners started their trail on Saturday touring, seeking and punching through the interesting „Krenwald“ of Schneegattern.
In dense rain Monday afternoon the winners of the three day Chicken Challenge overall placing proudly recieved their nice glass plates and bowls, sponsored by Riedl-Glas.
What happened in between, that’s a fine story!
No rain, ideal temperatures, perfect terrain and maps, excitement, fun at an extra punching event at the finishing area, great performances and cheerful running experiences.
The mixed woodland of the „Krenwald“ with its many details is a perfect area for racing middle distances. The accurate map drawn most precisely by Martin Lesjek was great help indeed and enjoyable to read. The area was a little steep only at the beginning , but got flat and pretty interesting throughout the rest of the race. Lots of bumps, gentle hills, tiny holes and little valleys, a few fine ditches, lots of green undergrowth and a rather confusing road and path net created a challenging atmosphere. A bit strange for us, though, were the many roots designed as rounded hilltops.
The long distance on Sunday was held on the same terrain on the same map, at least the second part of it. The first part lead some categories to a variety of deeper valleys and steeper hills.
On both days it was important to choose perfect jump off points and, of course, to run a pretty high speed level, which was possible most of the time. The orienteering part was not so much a tricky deal.
Because of difficulties with forest scouts and hunters the organizing team ASKÖ Henndorf Orienteering had to transfer the third stage, originally planned at the „Tannberg“ in Köstenberg, to the lovely landscape of the „Salzach“ Lakes, which in my opinion turned out to be the bull’s eye!
Brave chicken and a dog from two Tyrolean stables , namely the LKI and OLK, took part at all three stages. We were highly motivated, quite successful, and pretty content and happy with our performances.
Helga Eder is back again! She exulted at each stage. Once she got defeated by only one mini second by a Swiss lady, but was 15 minutes faster than her Austrian „opponents“! You all know Helga. She can attack! That’s what she did in a most demonstrating way at stage two then, where she ran a race without any mistakes and won at an amazing time. No need to say, that after a relatively good sprint in the park area she won the overall placing. Congratulation! She will have lots to tell you and boast about! Be prepared!
But now everyone listen!!!
Little 10 year old chick Korbinian Salvenmoser (OLK) seems to be the newcomer of the year. He won all three races, is a fantasic runner and smart orienteering kid! I’m sure we are going to hear and read about him often in future. His coach is Bernhard Kogler, who competed absolutely great as well, landing on second overall place in H21 short! Super and well done!
I’d also like to mention Erich Faulhammer und Hans Georg Gratzer, who reached places four and five.
Due to physical problems and lack of speed Adrian did not really meet his expectations, but nevertheless, we all are impressed by his talent and never ending enthusiasm.
A dear friend during these days was our red „Regionalkader Tirol“ tent. We did have alot of fun in it. Erich and Robert critizised the missing chairs, table and couch. As quickly as possible Hans Georg organized the missing items, brewed some coffee, set the table and invited to coffee and cake. A big laughter, you can imagine!
So besides the tough runs there was lots of time to fool and play around, to talk, to laugh, to relax and get to know each other (members of two clubs!) better and get closer. Definitely a time I wouldn’t have liked to miss.
Bericht: Karin Lugsteiner